As a creative photographer specializing in dark art photography, I delve deep into the realms of power structures. In today's society, technology enhances our lives significantly but also serves as a tool for controlling narratives, both in politics and other spheres, with a profound impact of technology on society.

Creative Photographer Makes Dark Art Photography
Andreas Varro creates 'Meta Love'

Creative Photographer Depicts Love Through the Lens of Technology
Throughout human history, love has been expressed in various ways, but its core essence has always revolved around intimacy and closeness. The depth of love shared between two people means one step closer to that someone, and whenever that love fades, the intimacy fades, and the distance between those two grows.
Technology has changed how love comes to "life"; it has made us reach out, to be able to get closer in real life. So many of us, including myself, have the technology to thank for founding true love, technologies effect on society has is like a wedge between us; in some areas, it no longer gets us more intimate, but it gets between us; maybe we are searching it, but when found, we continue the search.
As a creative photographer I wanted to explore this further, because this is where the attention economy plays out its role; tech keeps us on its fingertips, continuously feeding us small portions to keep our attention, and it steers us away from what's meaningful. With dark art photography I wanted to express this complex issue and how technology shapes society.
Meta Love: A Glimpse into the Future of Human Connection
'Meta Love' tells a story about future love. Will technology and its creators keep getting between people and love? Can we change how we and our partners look inside the virtual world? Do we live in a much more exciting and multicolored world, and will the real world be gray and dull? Ten years ago, a conspiracy about the future would have been that we no longer see, feel, and touch each other, something taken out of the science-fiction movie Matrix; today, not so much a conspiracy. But, in a sense, many people are already there, lying next to each other, and instead of holding each other hands, they have their devices, staring into a multicolored, virtual world. Nevertheless, technology shapes society in the way technocrats decide.
Eliciting Emotions Through Art
Behind the Scenes of 'Meta Love'
Shaping Light to Create Ambiance
Lighting played a critical role in achieving the desired ambiance for dark photography style in 'Meta Love.' To create a soft, subdued lighting effect, I relied on the precision of Broncolor Move and Siros lighting equipment, utilizing significant light sources to cast a gentle yet focused illumination. Both models were individually illuminated and photographed. In contrast to my typical post-production techniques, I exercised restraint in editing 'Meta Love,' preserving the authenticity of the location and capture.
About Andreas Varro
Andreas Varro is a multi-award-winning artist creating surreal art with the purpose of starting deep and meaningful conversations between people about modern man's and woman's challenges. His artwork has been called a "prophetic critique of modern society."