Psykopat försöker övertyga sitt byte att han är en trevlig kille.



In the half light the imposter shows only half of his face, and the warmth that radiates shows only the truth in shadows. Come into the dark cave sweet one, and sit by the safe warm fire and feel the security of those strong arms around you. Fear not the flicker of those faces reflected in the many facets of the diamond, that twist with vile cruelty and swirl with danger. Trust not, the tiny voice that warns you, for you are safe here in the dark. Take another sip from the cup and close your eyes forever.




Trierneberg Super Circut

Gold - Trierenberg Super Circuit, Emotions – Human Relations category, 2021

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Tack till

Carina Lundgren, Kjell Rosenlind, Joakim Norman, Sara, Basel Gorgis