En man sitter vid sitt altare och dyrkar sin telefon och sociala medier.

Free will


He feels the freedom to express himself; refreshes his browser, but nobody cares. It’s the algorithms; he must have been shadow-banned. His family needs his attention, but it’s okay; they manage another day. If he only had a million likes, the world would be brighter. He chose this by free will; nothing artificial could’ve pushed him in this direction, right?

Free will



International Photography Awards
International Photography Awards
Swedish Championships
Swedish Championships
Lützers Archive
Lützers Archive

Lützers Archive – 200 Best Digital Artists, 2022
International Photography Awards – Subcategory Winner Special-Special Effects, 2021
Merit Award - Swedish Championships, 2021

Du kanske gillar dessa

Detta konstverk var en gruppinsats

Tack till

Kjell Rosenlind, Stefan Keventer